

  1. I can't see the second but I can see the first one. When you do up your boots you start from the lowest setting and move up settings until tight.LE

  2. We need an introduction at the top of the page! What a great day...

  3. were is the new post mr cooke that you seed yesterday Lachie

  4. Great videos liked how Brodie said in the second video 'Make sure no body is behind you' and all most hit Caleb in the head with his skis. I think we should have a welcome video, intro wrighting and a new page for our . We should have a trikes page and the link to our class blog and maybe our Wetlands blog. I think it could improve but we are getting there and I agre with Lachie about his first comment.

    By Alex.B

  5. Thorton isn't putting on his boot properly and you can bearly hear Brodie. We need to work on these.
